April CTC on Tuesday 4/14
CTC is the Council Transportation Committee. They’re meeting on a strange day this month: Tuesday 4/14 5pm at CHNW (City Hall NW)
Here are the agenda items of interest:
- ITS Enhancements – 2009 projects (ITS is the city’s “Intelligent Transportation System” traffic monitoring program)
- 2010-2015 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) (This is where big expensive projects get planned)
- AB 5956 SE Bypass Project Final Record of Decision (Yes, they’re still trying to get this put to bed.)
- Project Updates (These are current project status reports)
- Newport Way W of SR 900
- SR 900 WSDOT Widening
- I-90 Undercrossing
- SR-900 Pedestrian Overcrossing of I-90
I know the time is extremely inconvenient, but if any of this stuff looks interesting to you I urge you to join me in attending.