CTC 4/18/11
Her are Karen Behm’s notes from this week’s Council Transportation Committee meeting…
Most of the meeting time was spent discussing the Central Area Plan and how to fund it. Primarily the 12th street potential over or underpass of I-90. good questions etc. – topic too extensive to explain but no direct impact to our mobility at this point in time.
The 2nd agenda item was the Transportation Improvement Plan – The 6 year TIP and Gary handed out a list of scheduled presentations
- PPC – April 26th
- Chamber – May 3
- Council transportation committee June 7th
- Council public hearing June 18
Plan is here:
attend one of the presentations if you have time!
3rd agenda item was project updates
- 15th and Park Dr traffic signal: I think it will be a 4 way stop or something like that.
- Something about 24 and 25th Ave / Park Dr. too – I think he said more crosswalks.
- Newport/Oakcrest Safety Improvements: -adding additional flashing sign for crosswalk
- Mine Hill crosswalk: Type 2 (engineer speak) crosswalk. Also revising 3 curb ramps for ADA.
- NW Sammamish Rd: bike lane striping from SR 900 to State Park
- Juniper St: – didn’t quite catch all, but basically a sidewalk for rest of the street – maybe only on north side. [They're adding sidewalk on the north side of the street from the Gilman Village driveway on Juniper behind the Boarding House Cafe to the corner with Rainier Blvd. Also one very short missing bit on the south side of the street --jy]
Most of this work will be implemented in July.
Sheldon mentioned that WA Dept of Ecology grant program remained intact with the final State budget. What that means is the City is hopefully going to get a grant to fund the rest of Rainier Ave improvements (trail, impervious pavement, and Confluence Park streetside parking). Not happening this year. But hopefully soon. If grant is received, that funds about ½ of the 1.3 mil project. Would have to spend the grant dollars by 2015.
Next meeting tentatively scheduled for May 10th, 5 PM